St. Matthias' Episcopal Church
in Toccoa GA
in Toccoa GA
Our Mission
St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church, a parish of the Diocese of Atlanta located in Stephens County, is a community of grace: partnering together in the transforming power of Jesus Christ as we engage in joyful and meaningful worship, spiritual growth and fellowship in our parish life, and the demonstration of God’s healing love to a broken world through compassion and outreach.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we understand that our spiritual growth is a lifetime journey. We are called to pray with one another, explore the scriptures together and to become the Church by demonstrating the love of Jesus. Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, Sunday School Classes, Coffee Hour, Sunday Morning Breakfasts and Parish Events are just a few of the ways that this is accomplished.
John 7:37-38 / Click for Blog and Sermons
Lenten Giving Collection for Local Ministries of Stephens County
As a covenant community that strives to live into Jesus’ Great Commandment of loving God with our whole heart, mind, strength, and loving our neighbors as ourselves, we are called to be a holy example of love, compassion, and selflessness to our community and the world.
Bishop Robert Wright is the Chief Shepherd of the Diocese of Atlanta
The Rev. Dr. Scott M Harding is the Rector of St. Matthias’
The Rev. Gwin Hanahan is the Priest Associate of St. Matthias’
Over and over again Jesus and his disciples responded to questions about faith and the Kingdom of God with, “Come and See.” We invite you to do the same. Come and See the ways in which the Spirit of God is alive and at work in the people and community of St. Matthias’
We have a variety of Sunday and Weekday offerings to Come and See God in worship.
We have a variety of ministries to take part in and share your gifts and abilities in service to God. Ask Us How?
We welcome gifts and donations to continue to live into our mission and vision at St. Matthias’