Sunday Morning Worship
Holy Eucharist— 8:30 AM
This service is a simple Holy Eucharist service from the Book of Common Prayer that meets in the Chapel. There is no music and is relaxed and contemplative.
Sung Holy Eucharist—10:30 AM with Choir
This service is typically a Rite II service with a variety a music from the Hymnal 1982, LEVAS, and other contemporary offerings. The choir is led by the Rev. Dr. Shirley Wright.
Sunday Morning Schedule
TodayLight Sunday school —8:00 AM
Eucharist—8:30 AM
Breakfast—9 AM
Choir—9:30 AM
Sunday school—9:30 AM
Eucharist—10:30 AM
Coffee Hour—Noon
Weekday Services
Wednesday Morning Prayer 7:30 AM
Wednesday Holy Eucharist 9:30 AM
Our Choir is led by our Minister Director, the Rev. Dr. Shirley Wright. The Choir typically meets on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. There is also a separate Bell Choir that plays on special occasions and who rehearses after the 10:30AM service.
Special Worship Services
Worship is not just for Sunday Morning, but we have a variety of special services throughout the year such as:
Blessing of the Animals
Healing Services
Sung Evensong
Chalking of Doors
Advent and Lenten Services
Eucharistic Adoration
Rogation Processions
and of course Weddings and Funerals, which are part of the fabric of the Christian Community.