Spiritual Growth and Fellowship
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we understand that our spiritual growth is a lifetime journey. We are called to pray with one another, explore the scriptures together and to become the Church by demonstrating the love of Jesus. Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, Sunday School Classes, Coffee Hour, Sunday Morning Breakfasts and Parish Events are just a few of the ways that this is accomplished.
Christian Education
Sunday school is available for all ages at 8 AM in the Todaylight Class and during the 9:30 Sunday school hour. During that time there are generally Two Adult classes and one for children and youth. Christian Education also takes place throughout the year with special programs like Healing Prayer Courses, Sacred Ground Course for Racial Reconciliation, Bible Studies, and Lenten Programs.
The Chapel
The Chapel at St. Matthias’ is a wonderful place to draw near into the presence of God. There is a labyrinth that you can walk, Stations of the Cross that you can follow, a Votive Rack to offer Prayers, and many Prayer Desks to be quiet before the Lord.
Parish Retreat
Each year St. Matthias’ takes a Parish Retreat to Camp Mikell for a time of spiritual growth, refreshment, fellowship, worship and FUN. Our last retreat’s theme was “Be Joyful in the Lord,” which continued throughout the year.
Jesus is made know into us in the “Breaking of the Bread.” This is more than the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, but gathering to eat, pray, and share our lives with one another. Programs like Matthias Mixers, Foyers, Pancake supper, Parish Concerts, Coffee Hour, First Sunday Lunch, Family Bike Rides and other special events help to draw the community of St. Matthias’ closer to one another in the love of Jesus.